Its Virginia Wine Month! What better way to celebrate by selecting a wine that’s been resting gently on your wine rack waiting for the right day. Last night we decided it was time to chill the 1999 Linden Hardscrabble Chardonnay. We enjoyed it with herbed chicken and rice with cream sauce.
Zolpidem Online Purchase In India Online Cheap In the glass we noticed the beautiful amber color. On the nose Warren noted roasted pear, toasted hazel nut, and carmel or butterscotch. Similar flavors were found in the mouth with a lengthier finish. It paired very well with our meal. It was a wonderful bottle of wine. Of course when the bottle was empty, I wondered if we should have kept it on the rack for a little longer. Would it only get better with time? It was worth it. A classic pour to kick off Virginia Wine Month. Consider uncorking one of your Virginia classics this month! hmmm.. Virginia Wine Month! Even I am waiting for the right day to open my wine rack. Now I can’t wait even for a minute. You have made my mouth watering 🙂