The three-part event will begin at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 30th with a wine tasting and public fair intended to inspire action on lowering the carbon footprint in the community. Enjoy free organic snacks from MOM’s Market and unlimited sustainably brewed free beer from Sierra Nevada Brewery as you connect with other community members and get the scoop on options for greening locally. The three featured eco-friendly wineries are Barrel Oak Winery, Black Ankle Vineyards and Tarara Winery.
The film, a quirky hybrid of “I Love Lucy” and An Inconvenient Truth, follows the adventures of Abby Brouchard (Caroline Winterson), a stubborn mother of two who sets off to prove that combating global warming starts with local community involvement. Several of the key filmmakers will be present at the screening, including the director, Tom Reilly, musician, Rob Lynch, who wrote five original songs for the movie, and Director of Photography Jon Van Gorder.