Virginia Wine Month! October is Virginia Wine Month! Virginia Wine Month is a time to highlight Virginia wines, drink Virginia wines at local bars and restaurants, attend special events, and buy Virginia wine. As says, “Discover Your Local Crush.” We plan to do just that by visiting local restaurants that sell and serve Virginia wines. What will you be doing for Virginia Wine Month? We kicked off Virginia Wine Month last night by enjoying the 2005 Kluge New World Red. Yes, I know. Kluge is no longer a winery or producing wines. But Donald Trump will be having an invite only event on Tuesday to celebrate the opening of Trump Vineyard Estates. So even though Kluge will no longer make wine, Trump will with the help of Patricia Kluge. We look forward to checking out the Trump lineup of wines, if we can afford them.

Buy Clonazepam 1Mg For dinner last night we had thick steaks, mashed potatoes and roasted veggies. What better way to kick off Virginia Wine Month and compliment a delicious meal then with the 2005 Kluge New World Red. I’ve always liked this wine and enjoyed it even more last night. On the nose we noted cherry, raspberry, blackberry, plum, cedar and tobacco. In the mouth we picked up plum, dark cherry, mocha, and anise. With food the tannins came out to play. What a nice bottle of wine! I have one more bottle on my rack. I’ll continue to let it rest and look forward to its rewards in the future.