Whole Foods Celebrates Virginia Wine Month

https://adamkaygroup.com/uncategorized/s2h60p9 We recently stopped by the Whole Foods market in Falls Church and were surprised to see that they were conducting food and wine pairings that featured Virginia Wines. We both were hungry, so the food samples came in handy. However, we were interested in the suggested pairings, and by the time we finished our tour of the tasting tables, we wholeheartedly concurred. Here were the food samples with their wine pairings:

https://olashirt.com/61hgrs3wuxt 1. Italian vegetable medley paired with Horton Viognier


http://www.galleriamoitre.com/9ofej93kb 2. Herb-crusted Haddock paired with Willowcroft’s Cold Steel Chardonnay (Paul’s favorite pairing)


https://clinicadrmaua.com.br/play/becopipyr/ 3. Brie with fruit topping paired with Breaux’s Vidal Blanc


4. Asian Beef and pasta paired with Veritas Claret (Warren’s favorite pairing)

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Looking for a favorite Virginia wine? A Whole Foods in your area may have it in stock. If not, ask the the wine manager to stock Virginia wines.


And while you are there, check out the Fall issue of Edible Chesapeake—it is now available at most Whole Food markets, and be sure to read the article on page six. You may just recognize the author and the photographer! Edible Chesapeake promotes the “eat locally” concept, and this area does have much to offer in that regard; in addition, this informative magazine raises awareness of sustainable foods and organic products. And it’s priced to be affordable to everyone—it’s FREE!


Have you had a Virginia Wine that you’d like to recommend to others? In the spirit of the Virginia Wine Month, leave a comment and let us know!